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Little Big City 


video 7min, collection of translations/ glass, dimension variable

As a starting point of this work was created map, which gathers the new investments in Bratislava up to date June 2008. The developing projects are named in English and their names don’t correspond to their location, social context and site history. The list of names was submitted to translation agencies and particular names were translated into Slovak. In most cases the translations failure. Besides creating the official translations, translators entered the discourse with their expert comments. As a part of the project there is a video documentation of the questionnaire realized in the streets of Bratislava. Interviewed local dwellers tended to translate these international names into Slovak language. In the most cases they were not able to find any appropriate substitutes. Along translating they have also exposed their comments to the topic- criticizing or supporting the influence of the “new speak” on local language.

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